Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I Cant Get My Giinii To Sync With My Computer I Cant Get It Off My Mind!?

I cant get it off my mind!? - i cant get my giinii to sync with my computer

in 15th and I know I'm too young, it is no longer necessary, so please do not tell you this, but I do not know who else to ask.
Can not the sex of my mind if I do I just want to go back, I can not concentrate, because I can not about thinking my next dose.
to get the truth to me!
I used to be on the pill because of health problems, but left this year, now I want to return for reasons of contraception, but I do not know my parents. the doctors and not tell my parents?

Any help would be appreciated. I can no longer be met: @


Dr. DOLY said...

Puberty is "hormonal storm" - more patience - you discover more about their sexuality - see below

Love<3 said...

this is a not good. general. two, they have free clinics for anyone to them free birth control and I can tell your parents. Physicians must tell their parents when you are older than 18 years. just stop having sex for a while, so do not ask all the time

E1_B0ri said...

I am sorry to say this, but the mother is dependent on the sex. I suggest you start taking the pill and the condom before the end of becoming ill or the birth of a child

E1_B0ri said...

I am sorry to say this, but the mother is dependent on the sex. I suggest you start taking the pill and the condom before the end of becoming ill or the birth of a child

NO♥NAME said...

His "solution next? You sound like a junkie. But you're a sex addict. You are a nymphomaniac. Often think about sex is not normal, it's not pretty. You need to concentrate at school: boys are not books . Get the sex of your mind. Sex is only good if you are older and in a healthy relationship. If you allow a man in you, a piece of you. This is not good. You're too young to have many sexual partners. seek help, talk to your parents, seek God, you're young! At 15, I do not have sex at all until adulthood. Need help as soon as possible to help you the first time and abstinence, never late gain, self-esteem and stop having sex

akaMaryn said...

Dawny, the need for sexual liberation is not embarrassing. The man has made sexual desires that can not be denied, as Mother Nature or God, depending on their faith available.

However, the desire for sex with an old man is alone, preserve, sexual liberation, you need not be a good idea. You can find any of a number of problems, it was sexually transmitted diseases in pregnancy, despite the precautions, the care of a man who is associated with taking only used for sex and you do not actually is.

I recommend learning on the need to take all on your own and the true sex of a man who is one of the really save. It is much better than the use of types to the equivalent of an itch to fulfill.

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