Sunday, February 14, 2010

Weave With A Chinese Bang What A Good Hair Style? I Don't Really Like The Weave Scene.?

What A Good Hair Style? I don't really like the weave scene.? - weave with a chinese bang

I do not really use ropes because I have long hair, but I know a good way to get my hair. I wanted a colored dye as an explosion of China and the rest curly. Is this a good idea? If yes, what is a good color multicolor I should or can the color of the dye of the time I expect?


Tori B said...

Definitely dont think it would probably cut a good few layers of flowing with a bang. With regard to the color of your skin, you can go with a little cinnamon or brown, darker reds. I wouldnt recommend anything drastic that can be even more professional and elegant appearance. Appearance is everything. It would be very nice, with some flowing layers of feathers and a stroke.

shelby said...

ummm idk anything other than curling Part 4 ...

Erik said...

Taper fade!

thts what I

I like the hos
! ;]

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