Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hot Shower Woman Can A Pregnant Woman Take A Hot Shower?

Can a pregnant woman take a hot shower? - hot shower woman

I love hot showers, I think, very, very hot, but I hear it .. bad?


Simply Exhausted said...

I think it is, as long as you do not get into a bath or a hot bath too fine.

andrew's mommy said...

The relaxing can be a long hot shower or a bath in a hot bath, when your body feels the pain of pregnancy, it is better to avoid overheating. The increase in body temperature exceeding 102 degrees Fahrenheit (38.9 degrees Celsius increase) the risk of neural tube defects in the first trimester and dehydration later in pregnancy.

So try to activities could increase the temperature, including the border:

with saunas and jacuzzis
long, hot baths and showers
Overheating when the weather is hot or when exercising

Instead of whirlpools and saunas, plunge into a cold pool. Try to stick you, for baths or showers and only a little warm, warm. Then follow the signs your body is too hotin the exercise or enjoyment of nature. If you already overheating, do not worry too much about it. Chances are, retired from the uncomfortable situation before damage was done.

Is the global temperature. Whether it dry for a shower, bath or in the air. You want to avoid the heat and warmth. Not true, but in early pregnancy might be bad for the baby, and simply not good during pregnancy, overheating. Do not worry. The research is very sketchy. A small shower could be done very well. The hot-water shower blows on the back is really good, and has no effect on the baby too. However, bubble bath, the child also, and lasts longer in the rule.

This isalso refers to a fever. Call your doctor if you have a temperature of 100 or more.
Another is to avoid overheating, especially in that warm water expands and expands cause the blood vessels that women can lower blood pressure and do feel dizzy, or perhaps s disappear '.

【ツ】mommy... said...

say it is bad if you take showers or hot baths!
Can the increase in its temperature. try not high, just take a hot shower or hot bath!

I never knew when I was pregnant and had a warm bath every night, my child is going so well! Theres a lot of things that doctors forgot to tell a pregnant woman, sometimes!

Danielle S said...

does not overheat your body during pregnancy, you are good to take a hot shower, but do not overdo it. No hot tub or spa.

sickofth... said...

Take advantage are the hot showers and baths bad for you, because the blood pressure, which is very bad for your baby to raise. Watch hot baths and showers.

Churys said...

I love hot showers, too!
I like living in a sauna, if I could. My doctor told me, no, no sauna, whirlpools, showers with hot water can be, but hot hot ..

My3Boys said...

Yes, that's fine. Just do not dive into a warm bath.

Melissa said...

Yes, there are hot showers in order, but not too hot! Since the increase in body temperature is not good for the baby!

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