Friday, January 1, 2010

Laser Eye Surgery Ireland How Does One Become A Pilot In Ireland?

How does one become a pilot in ireland? - laser eye surgery ireland

Also, you need 20/20 Vision in this sense, and if so, is the laser eye surgery enough?


super_ms said...

Check There are some useful background information on becoming a pilot. There are a number of schools in Ireland, you can use. I do not know whether professional, but when you do, you will see a company obvioulsy Aer Arran, Ryanair and Aer Lingus.

His vision does not have to be perfect - you can wear glasses and a few people I know who really fly! It is better to take the eye test, then compare the results with the minimum required by the medical authority. I want to avoid laser surgery - not an expert, but I understand the regulators do not like it, and you need to fill a few forms, etc. ... If you are outside the limits, but then you may have. View / Forums - is all you need to know here .....

super_ms said...

Check There are some useful background information on becoming a pilot. There are a number of schools in Ireland, you can use. I do not know whether professional, but when you do, you will see a company obvioulsy Aer Arran, Ryanair and Aer Lingus.

His vision does not have to be perfect - you can wear glasses and a few people I know who really fly! It is better to take the eye test, then compare the results with the minimum required by the medical authority. I want to avoid laser surgery - not an expert, but I understand the regulators do not like it, and you need to fill a few forms, etc. ... If you are outside the limits, but then you may have. View / Forums - is all you need to know here .....

ken p said...

Kissing the Blarney Stone

Geeza Sooka Yerlips said...

Board an airplane with an Uzi.

Mrs G said...

A drink a few pints of Guinness and from the roof of one of several factories. waving his arms and shouted to look,,, yeeehaaaa!

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